Mar 18, 2022
Just a quick update on my Scandinavian Iron-age adventure When Winter Came To Skedemosse for Old School Essentials and other retro roleplaying games:
There is now the option of buying a soft-cover print version of the adventure!
Just a quick update on my Scandinavian Iron-age adventure When Winter Came To Skedemosse for Old School Essentials and other retro roleplaying games:
There is now the option of buying a soft-cover print version of the adventure!
Magic item in Dolmenwood: The bag of bleats
Appearance: A bagpipe made from the torso of a long-horn goatman noble. Dark grey fur covers it with the head and horns prominently displayed on the back of the instrument.
My own Old School Adventure set in the Scandinavian Vendel period!
Design to be run with Old School Essentials but should work fine with whatever classic B/X clone you like!
Get the PDF on my page or print on DriveThruRPG
This has been brewing for a long while and I am finally happy to share it with you.
Collecting some of my favorite Dolmenwood resources I use in my Eaves of Dolmenwood campaign:
The must have offical material Everything Dolmenwood Print + PDF (primarilly all Wormskin zines)
Goatmans’s Goblet has a lot of useful content
Some Lamentation of the Flame Princess modules I have used (or am about to use)
Short summary of each session in a Dolmenwood campaign I am running with my friends over Discord/FoundryVTT.
Mainly for the party to keep track of the main events and who played in what.
We run it drop-in/drop-out campaign letting people join as it fits their schedule.
We run Old-school Essentials (B/X) with these house-rules.
Session 1 - Come friendly adventurers and fall on Lankshorn