Order of Green Mice featured on Mausritter Monday
Nov 09, 2020
Happy to see that people have been enjoying Thistle Kingdom zine!
The Order of the Green Mice gets mentioned in Berpyle, another Mausritter zine by ManaRampMatt.
I recommend checking out the zine (the alternative character sheets are very nice).
Further he put up a mouse from the Order as an entry to the Mausritter Monday art competition.
Originally from the Thistle Kingdom, Basil took up life in the Order of Green Mice. He became a tender of the flower gardens of the orchard. After several seasons, he took a post in Bernpyle at the new Order orchard there. #mausritter #tavernmice @isaacwilliams @gamesomnivorous pic.twitter.com/KQS7e00KKd
— Matthew Morris (@PsMattJMorris) November 9, 2020