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I’ve written before concerning the house rules I use when I play with my son.

I am also running a Dolmenwood campaign right now and here are the house rules we run with.

  1. The first one is inspired by the house rule I have when playing with my kid: Crits! (They’re fun) We will be using the crit and fumble tables from Dungeon Crawl Classics

  2. (LotFP inspired) Knocked out on 0 HP. Death on -3 in 1d10 rounds no saves. Death instantaneous on -4.

  3. Acending Armour Class.

  4. (LotFP inspired) Heal 1 HP for nights rest, 1d3 for days rest.

  5. Shields Shall be Splintered - sacrifice a shield to block all damage from one single hit.

  6. Buy back dead characters XP (for the players new one) if they spend 1 GP per XP on the funeral.

  7. The Specialist Class from Lamentations of the Flame Princess (instead of the OSE thief and skills)

  8. Wrestling from Ten Foot Polemic’s House Rule Document.

  9. Spell failure from B/X Options.

… will be adding to this list as more things come up.

Our youngest was sleeping so my wife joined in with my eldest son for our first session in Dolmenwood. We had such a fantastic time.

Been running two adventures this far with my young son (almost five years old) with the Old School Essentials rule system. It’s a modern layout of the old B/X rules.

Its been working great this far and we have played both Winters Daughter and the one-pager Please go to sleep, Arthur Cobbleworth.

We added some minor house rules to make things extra fun:

  • Crits: On a natural 20 on an attack dice we double the damage roll (we thoroughly enjoy the mini celebration every time you get that sweet 20 on the dice)
  • 0 HP: When a character reaches 0HP we do not instantly kill him. Rather he passes out and we make him permanently injured by loss of an attribute point.

I will add to this list as we discover more things we’d like to tweak.

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